Board Meeting Minutes

Lodi Association of Wineries

Meeting Minutes

Location: Klinker Brick Winery

April 4, 2023

Present:Tom Hoffman (Heritage Oak), Steve Felton (Klinker Brick), Rodney Tipton (Acquiesce Winery), Fred Weibel (Weibel Family Winery), Nina Schatz (Peltier Winery)   Not in attendance:, David Phillips (Michael David), Brad Mills (GoodMills Winery), Helen Dart (d’Art Wines), Lisa Gash (Prie Winery)  
Next meeting:June 28 at Klinker Brick Winery

I.      Called to Order 5:05 pm

II.     Treasurer’s Report

No report

III.   Minutes

The minutes of the 12/20/22 meeting were presented by Helen Dart.  There was a motion to approve by Rodney Tipton and seconded by Steve Felton.  Motion carried.


2023 Membership Invoices will be mailed along with a letter outlining accomplishments and activities for the past year.

IV.   Public Comments – None

V.    New Business

  1. Stonum’s Application for a Revision of Approved Action was received from the SJ Community Development Department. Stonum is seeking to establish 170 annual winery events divided between Marketing Events (12), Small Scale Accessory Events (144), Large Scale Accessory Winery Events (10) and Wine Release Events (4). Concerns about the limited parking on Stonum’s property were discussed.  Tom reported that he had spoken to Jennifer Jolley after he received the application. Jolley said they were aware of Stonum’s parking issues and more parking spaces would be a condition approval. There will be a public hearing prior to approval.
  2. A Membership Meeting for 2023 was tentatively for July 25. This will be an opportunity to present information about the Business Improvement District (BID).

VI.   Old Business –

  1. Tom reported that the PAC was terminated in December 2022.
  2. BID update –The results of Civita’s Feasibility Study have been made available. Their report shows  assessment rate scenarios on district gross revenues as follows:  1% would yield $450K; 1.5% would yield $675K; 2% would yield $900K. Tom reported that Stuart Spencer is putting together a committee to hammer out a proposal to put before wineries in the district. The committee will consist of 2 members of LAW, 2 members of the Commission Winery Marketing Committee, and 2 members of the 2022 Strategic Planning Committee. Tom and Rodney will participate from LAW. Tom reported that the job of the committee will include 1) Define what is to be considered to be a “winery”, 2) Define what activities are to be assessed, 3) Define how funds will be spent. The proposal to be put before the wineries for approval will need 51% of the vote weighted by sales tax contributions for this initial vote. If passed, the assessment would be in place for 5 years.

VII.  Correspondence

Tom presented the PO Box bill from the post office. He said he would pay it and get a refund from Lisa.

IV. Adjourned 6:00 pm  Motion to adjourn by Rodney Tipton, Second by Steve Felton.  Motion carried.

                                                  Lodi Association of Wineries

Meeting Minutes

Location: Klinker Brick Winery

December 20, 2022

Present:Tom Hoffman (Heritage Oak), Helen Dart (d’Art Wines), Steve Felton (Klinker Brick), Rodney Tipton (Acquiesce Winery), Lisa Gash (Prie Winery),   Not in attendance:, David Phillips (Michael David), Brad Mills (GoodMills Winery), Fred Weibel (Weibel Family Winery), Nina Schatz (Peltier Winery)  
Next meeting:TBA

I.      Called to Order 5:15 pm

II.     Treasurer’s Report

No Activity – No report

III.   Minutes

The minutes of 04/26/2023 meeting were presented by Helen Dart.  There was a motion to approve by Lisa Gash and seconded by Steve Felton.  Motion carried.

IV.   Membership – No activity

V.    Public Comments – None

VI.   New Business

  1. Reviewed Domain Name renewal. There has been email follow up and confirmation with Web Host.
  2. Discussed the future of LAW PAC.  It was moved by Lisa Gash that we dissolve the PAC.  Second by Rodney Tipton. Tom Hoffman will follow up with the Secretary of State to submit the proper forms and disburse the funds appropriately. There is $3877 in the fund at this time.
  3. Endorsement of Steve Ding of SJ County Board of Supervisor.  Tom presented the letter of endorsement which was approved via email.

VII.  Old Business –

  1. Viaggio’s application for Large Accessory Events – The hearing was postponed and they pulled their application.
  2. BID update –The Feasibility Study has slowed due to access and release of tax records in Sacramento County and SJ County.

VIII.Correspondence – None

IV. Adjourned 6:11 pm Motion to adjourn by Rodney Tipton, Second by Steve Felton.  Motion carried.